It is Tuesday morning in sunlight city of impeccable sweet and horror. This is not usually the case but it just feels this way this morning.
Have you had time being stuck with stubborn people who also choose to be ignorant at the same time? The same, having to be in the environment where people talk without having their sentences finish and expect others to understand (which amazingly is understandable; but maybe I am so smart that I get to finish their sentences for them); that goes beyond sentences. This means having their actions and executions the same cliff hanger drop as they speak. ...while the other wait for them to fall out... *crick crick crick*
So okay. Fine if you want to do all that. But not when making an appointment please... And double calling people? Like, if the communication is that you both will be in touch again within 15 minutes to see if both schedules can be adjusted to match, somebody who was there when I called the other party, calls the other party again within that 15 minutes' duration without me knowing. And then when following up the earlier call, you are told that it has been adjusted and conveyed to the person who made the secret call to that person - you are not told by that freaky shadow of who-you-not-know-of. Why?
Yes. I am frustrated at this point of time. I am also tired most of the time. Physically tired. In the end, TV seems more enticing than affectionate intercourse. Which has been happening. Quite frequently.
So that is what is current: All talk but crappy actions and reception.
Can someone please press the irk siren button?
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