Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Understanding Depression

I have been going through emotions of late.  Self-imposed emotions.  I realize that I do that onto myself for no reason at all.  Perhaps to keep myself in check that I grow to accept and past them over time.


Yesterday only I realized how too many times I wanted to be in the hole that I dug for myself to hide from the world and own insecurities.  I was trying to make of something so that a friend could understand that concept of depression.

I was not strong enough to stand up for myself.  For having raised with values as 'It's alright for others to do us, so long we don't do them onto them - just because we know better'; it proves that it can be damaging.  I then believed what others made me believe who I was.  Others' accusations of me became what they wanted me to be.  Berated, then punished in working conditions, I fell into it even more deeply that I put all happy away just because I feel I did not deserve them.  I was not allowed to.  I was someone else's punching bag.  And it was alright for others to do that onto me, so long I do not return the same to them - just because I know better.  But I lay lifeless falling into the bottomless pit as days go by.

From the office, I became and received the same at home.  Then it grew into the extended families. Losing self esteem even further.  I could not even take a photograph anymore.  I did not know what to focus.  How can you not photograph something?  Not even your own child?

No, I did not seek any professional help although I had a feeling that I was drowning in severe depression.  I begun to find suicide jumping off the bridge as something beautiful in the art of it.  I was numb and thought of slicing my arms open to see the blood flow, to acknowledge that myself was something living.  I just could not see that I was worth living for.  Wondering if anyone would notice at all if I was gone.  I felt that I did not matter.  But then again, I would probably make such a mess for getting myself sprawled somewhere and so that it would cause cleanup exhaustion for others; and I could not have that. I did not feel beautiful at all.  

The responses that I received from people around me varies.

1. Asking me why I had to be in that pit in the first place and telling me the world is a better place.

2. Berating me even more why I wanted to dig a deeper hole for myself.

3. Looking at me with that 'stop being absurd because this is sooo stupid'.

4. Walking away.

5. Just let me drawl.

Number 1
Asking how I put myself in there will make me dig further and close the hole up.  Telling me that the world is beautiful, would make me know the distance of your understanding to what I am feeling exactly.  The darkness and sallowness became much of a comfort.  I DID NOT want to be outside. The world is much, much safer inside the hole. 

Number 2
Berating will make me just stand there and listen to you, no longer caring of what you have to say about me because I do not exist.  After all that I have received, what else is new?  I ONLY deserve berating because I AM the receiving end of the wrath of every problem in the world.

Number 3
Giving me that look, will not make me blink an eye at you.  I would give you no reaction at all.  You would then be on my 'not reliable / the one who does not understand' list.  You will have no right/deserve to be near me within a 100-foot, more even to talk to me.

Number 4
No feeling for those who walk away.  Everyone has got their own worries and problems.  I would understand.  Because people just leave.  More over I will only drag them down with me.  And probably will make their own problems worse.  Just because 'I tend to do that to people, create problems for people'.  

Number 5
And those who let me drawl...  Then answering their questions so tactfully asked that I did not realize they were hopeful to make me talk.  With much patience, stood by me.  Listened to me to begin stepping out of numbness, to showing emotion of confusion, sadness, anger, frustration, sadness, ugly cry, acceptance, walking out of the hole and forgiving.

I kid you not that my friend, my rock, stood by me for almost 2 years just being my 'trash can'.  She stood by me and applauded each time I move a pebble, a shovel, a step, a climb and a swim.  She encourages self-celebration.  Each time, we would celebrate with Japanese Food and finish off with coffee.  She would spare 4 hours of her time each time we meet.  

Now that I am back onto my two feet, I see she goes further off to help another in need.  I feel blessed that I was allowed recovery through her.  And I hope she is blessed and will receive an abundance from the above.  He would know how to grant her for her good-doings.

I write this so that one understand what it is, how it feels like, and that we could get through it.  There is no ON/OFF switch.  To light a room, you need to choose the correct wiring, putting the wiring with the power supply in place, identifying the best place to put the lighting on thoroughly in the room, fitting in the switch; all are BEFORE you get to ON the lighting for the whole room.  The progress differs differently for each individual.

Just, try not to shoot a person down just because he/she is different.  Just try to see them in a different perspective.  Sometimes that is just something kind to do.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Identify You with Hashtags

Two sachets of coffee.  In one go.  Bloaty stomach is the way to go.  Feeling depressed without actually being depressed and feeling repressed of tiredness, if it made any sense at all.

I sat through a conversation with a friend today just revisiting what divorce was.  Although my separation span was quite fast before we remarried as compared to others, the hurt feels the same.    Some endure the taboo beatings, emotional bullying and blackmail.  I am lucky that I did not go through physical abuse.  Though, I do know a few friends who have been or still are in that type of relationship.  That disappointment for them is even more to endure.  So let us just pray that God keeps all women safe from harm.

The failing relationship factor is a process for you to learn.  Do bear with me.  It is the downfall that is meant for you to go through to be a better and more resilient person, all that requires self-assessment and learning.  To identify the cycle and break the cycle.

You see, our lives are constant to copy of what we see, what was familiar to us when growing up and yes, partially 'genetically incline' feeling to leading the lives of our own.  Some learn fast, and some, like me, just need time to realize it, identify it and change it.  

Just sit back and realize the relationship pattern for your parents, immediate family and find your similarity.  Then realize what it is that is similar in your life.  Look at the good pattern and the bad pattern.  Identify and let it seep through your skin and bones and be ready for the ride as it will be both scary, painful and invigorating at the same time.  This would be when your self-worth process will take place.  Also, this is the time that you will find out who is your friend for life.  Identify that one support buddy (be it a person, support group, personal journal, own no self identification blog to just let it out to the world [like you just don't care] etc) and work along it.  

No pressure here when you get to it.  No time limit.  No waste of time.  

You will find yourself remembering how you LOVED (past-tense) shoes, or the colour purple, or that you love pink petunia...  Or how far you wanted to travel.  

And I need to revisit mine.  I am hashtagging self as #selfopressed for no apparent reason.


Hashtagging is being able to identify what you want to identify.  Identify you.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

This Too Shall Pass

My stomach feels icky.  Probably I had too many icks this morning.  Too much that my mood swings south and perhaps that could be the reason why I am eyelids are getting heavy.

Okay, here is one truth of the day:

Life gets easier when you are able to let go of the pass.  To let go, requires a process.  To process is being able to adapt.  So it will take time.  It will require inner strength.  But it will free you.  You will know this when you get there.
Just learn to love yourself more. 

And the truth is visible for me today.  I can see my stomach bloating of air.  Wonder why I am not up there flying like a hot air balloon right now.  Ugh.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Sunlight City of Impeccable Sweet and Horror

It is Tuesday morning in sunlight city of impeccable sweet and horror.  This is not usually the case but it just feels this way this morning.  

Have you had time being stuck with stubborn people who also choose to be ignorant at the same time?  The same, having to be in the environment where people talk without having their sentences finish and expect others to understand (which amazingly is understandable; but maybe I am so smart that I get to finish their sentences for them); that goes beyond sentences.  This means having their actions and executions the same cliff hanger drop as they speak.  ...while the other wait for them to fall out... *crick crick crick*

So okay.  Fine if you want to do all that.  But not when making an appointment please...  And double calling people?  Like, if the communication is that you both will be in touch again within 15 minutes to see if both schedules can be adjusted to match, somebody who was there when I called the other party, calls the other party again within that 15 minutes' duration without me knowing.  And then when following up the earlier call, you are told that it has been adjusted and conveyed to the person who made the secret call to that person - you are not told by that freaky shadow of who-you-not-know-of.  Why?  

Yes.  I am frustrated at this point of time.  I am also tired most of the time.  Physically tired.  In the end, TV seems more enticing than affectionate intercourse.  Which has been happening.  Quite frequently.  

So that is what is current: All talk but crappy actions and reception.  

Can someone please press the irk siren button?
